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jQuery Scroll To Top Function Snippet
This tutorial demonstrates how to implement a simple scroll to top function with transition effect using jQuery. Step 1: Simple HTML Page For the purpose [...]
Adding Startup Scripts to Launch Daemon on Mac OS X Sierra 10.12.6
Being new to working on OS X, it has been somewhat confusing to how things work on Mac compared to that on Linux — to be completely honest it has been a [...]
Installing Apache Tomcat on MacOS Mojave using Homebrew
In order to install Apache Tomcat on MacOS, we firstly need to install Java Development Kit(JDK). To check if java installed, open up the terminal and run [...]
Configuring Apache with PHP7 FPM on MacOS Mojave using HomeBrew
These installation steps is a basic guide on how to setup Apache Server with PHP7.2 FPM on MacOS Mojave. Before we start with installation process, let us [...]